Elite Robot
Elite seven-axis cobot
Redundancy Robot Kinematics/Dynamics Calculations
It is a redundant 7-axis robot, which can achieve more flexible and complex bit posture and bit shape control than robots with less than 6 axes, and has the same flexibility as a human arm.
0 space/bit posture bit-shaped dual-mode inverse solution
0 space refers to keeping the terminal bit pose unchanged and only changing the bit shape of the robot, which is a special coordinate system space that only redundancy robots have, which is of great significance in applications such as anthropomorphic planning, and is the basis for the bit-pose/bit-shaped dual-mode inverse solution.
Safety/efficiency dual mode
In the safety mode, safety is given priority to limit the force, velocity, acceleration, momentum, energy and other key physical quantities of the whole machine, so as to control the hazard in the event of a collision.
APP teaching system
The use of general-purpose commercial mobile devices, such as smartphones, PADs, etc., to replace the traditional wired special teach pendant is a long-standing desire of the robotics industry, and it is also the future development trend.